
Founder & Chief Innovation Officer

W.P Sasanka R Fonseka is a Chartered Global Management Accountant and a holder of ACMA CGMA(UK) designation. Also He is a member of Chartered Certified Management Accountant from CMA –Australia & New Zealand. Sasanka is a Chartered HR professional from CIPM –Sri Lanka and a member of Chartered Institute of personnel development (CIPD-UK) .His MBA from Buckinghamshire University- UK led him to further strengthen his leadership & entrepreneur skills. He is initially a Marketing professional and a member of Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing and awarded “Practicing Marketer Status” by the body and also he is a member of American Marketing Association.

Creating a Global brand is his inspiration and he will be further studying on International business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship to create a global brand . Metal Knight is his new business arm and he has 22 years of Corporate experience in Senior positions in companies such as Pfizer ,General Electric , United Motors PLC , Metropolitan Group, Global Hospitals-India .

“ I believe in sustainable purpose of business and all our stakeholders do , we need to create a sustainable brand and which will have enormous opportunities and benefits to all internal ,external and connected stakeholders “


Partner & Chief Growth officer

B.A Niranjala S Perera is a qualified and well experience Beauty Professional and having salons in Sri lanka . She has Higher Diploma In Beauty ,Hairdressing & Nail Art Technology .She has 15 years of industry experience and she is also passionate about arts and crafts . she is fond of metal sculptures and her own house was decorated by various metal sculptures and finally she decided to create a Sri Lankan Metal sculpture brand for the world to create happiness of people around the world .

Niranjana is passionate of great customer experience and E commerce business, she will be an asset to grow the business and make “Metal Knight a truly global brand operated and created in Sri Lanka.

“ I believe Sri Lankan quality metal sculptures are well known, high quality and competitive in the global market space, we wanted to create a brand accepted by metal arts enthusiast in the world and make a simple smile and happiness on their face”

Director at Ablo Picasso London Ltd

Rasanjaya Weerasooriya is a seasoned banker with 15 years of experience in the banking industry, including a tenure at a government bank in Sri Lanka. He is a proficient IT expert with extensive knowledge in bank operations.

He holds an MSc in Big Data and Data Science from Northumbria University, London, and a BSc (Hons) in Information Technology from the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.

“E-commerce and digital marketing play a significant role in global markets, and we are driving our business to connect regions, offering extraordinary masterpieces with exceptional value in a sustainable manner.”

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